Friday, 11 December 2015

Learner Response


Evaluation mark: 8/10
Grade: B+

WWW: Overall, this is an impressive evaluation that offers an honest and accurate assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of the production. You've confidently used media terminology and there’s an engagement with the production and an awareness of audience that is crucial for the top grades in Media.
EBI: There are, though, some key areas to work on. Firstly, your written English could potentially hold you back. This does not refer so much to spelling and grammar (though there are a couple of typos/missing words etc.) but your organisation. The huge paragraph of strengths and weaknesses shows a distinct lack of organisation. At the very, very least surely you would have one paragraph for strengths and one for weaknesses? It’s great to see reference to enigma codes and audience engagement – the real evaluation in March needs more references like this as well as other media theories applied and detailed analysis of the impact on a potential audience.
LR: Copy and paste this feedback into a new blogspot and write three specific aspects you will look to improve for the real MEST2 evaluation in March.

Three specific aspects you will look to improve for the real MEST2 evaluation in March:
  1. Organisation - I will be looking to improve this in order for my evaluation to look clear and easier to understand. For example, by separating my evaluation into more paragraph so it isn't one giant bunched together paragraph that comes across as messy.
  2. Key terminology- in the real evaluation in March, I will need to use more terminology like I have in this, but also apply theories as well, like Levi-Strauss etc.
  3. Analysis - I will need to go into more detail in my analysis in my evaluation of my production in much, including the detailed analysis of the impact on a potential audience. 

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