Thursday, 26 November 2015

Existing Product Research - Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind

The most beautiful thing about the scene is the camera work. It was shot beautifully. In media, if you don't have the best shots, then everything during editing will fall apart. In this scene, the establishing shot is an extreme close-up of the female character, Joel's love interest, which develops a sense of intimacy and allows the audience to develop an emotional connection to her, feeling sympathy for her and Joel's situation. As she throws the letter away, it cuts to a medium close-up of her. An over the shoulder shot is then used. The pleasant simplicity of the shots create a heartfelt atmosphere and extend the audience's attachment to the characters as they can relate to them. Some of the editing is choppy, disjointed and fast, which connotes surrealism, indicating it is not real or is in fact in his head.

In terms of mise-en-scene, the low-key lighting makes the scene appear quite beautiful. It also creates an unnatural atmosphere, indicating towards the surrealism in the film, which also suggests that it is taking place in his mind. However, it emphasises that his mind has descended into darkness and creates an atmosphere of confusion. Clementine's hair in this scene, is blue, which connotes sadness. This sadness may be, due to the fact, that Joel is erasing her memory of her. However, throughout the film, her hair changes colour and is quite symbolic. Her blue hair is referring to the time that comes after Joel and Clementine erase their memories, which could be the reason it appears sad. 

The non-diegetic tender cinematic music determines that the movie is a romantic movie, or perhaps, a romantic comedy. It also allows the audience to connect with the characters. The diegetic speech of both characters is clear and soft, adding to the fact that it is a romantic film and adding to the serenity of the scene. 

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